Recipes and tricks along with any and all other galley type info will (eventually) find its way there.
My hope is that someone will find it helpful. I know that when I was contemplating the lifestyle it weighed heavily on me. I live for food. I am almost always hungry. I
I love simple, quality ingredients. I want my food to be beautiful. We eat with our eyes too people!
I am not a stickler for recipes. I use them. But at my own discretion. Even when baking. And yes, this has gotten me into trouble in the baking department... but I really don't care. I figure out what works for me and go with it.
Food should be fun, and thrilling, and unexpected. Just like life. It should be elevated. There is no reason why living on a boat should change that. It will at times I begrudgingly admit. In those cases I will feast my eyes on the horizon and nourish myself and family with sunsets (and an glass of extra wine).