Thursday, December 5, 2013

Taking a beat...

Finally~ we are back in shorts. Still sporting the long sleeves in the mornings, but the days of doubling up our socks and layering is OVER!

There were a couple of times during the first few days of this journey south that I was questing what we were doing. There was a nor'easter. So it was cold (the wet kind which is worse), gale force winds, and white caps in the ICW. Everything was wet. We hadn't prepared for the Arctic front that was making it our way.... Needless to say~ not exactly the adventure I had in mind.

I was miserable. But, didn't want to be the one to say it. Then, we found the leak that we had addressed a couple days before was still there. It wasn't a huge deal. Easy fix. Just tightening up a hose clamp. But all of the clean towels I had stowed away (yes, now I realize probably a pretty dumb spot) were soaking wet AGAIN. I kind of lost my cool and let all the angst of the weather and struggle out. It wasn't pretty.

Thankfully Hubs (who was also feeling a lot of the same angst) made and executive decision and decided that we tie up to a marina for 2 days. Not exactly the way we had envisioned setting out... but sometimes a mental health day is in order. And yes, fully aware we just began our expedition, but we also had been working our butts off for years to get to this place. We hadn't stopped to take a breath in a really long time. We just dove right in head first to this lifestyle... we needed a beat. So, we took it.

It was just what we needed.

Now, we are making our way down 'The Ditch” with clear minds, and realistic intentions.

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