Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Doors are Magnificant

What a busy few months. What an UNDERSTATEMENT.  
Since we've parked the RV Airabess we have (collectively):  bought 2 vehicles, sold a house, bought a house, begun a serious overhaul of said house, joined a swim team, performed in a theatre production following a 6 week theater camp, worked an ungodly amount of hours in the dog days of summer, gotten a promotion, began a new phase of teaching (yoga), lost some LB's, made new friends, connected with old friends, had our first house guest, completed the 3rd grade, took a dive trip, played tourist (officially as locals) and still found time for lots of love. 

Oh, and we have doors now. They close. It's magnificent. (At some point I'm going to write about 'comfort stations' aka public/community showers and bathrooms.  Every bona fide traveler knows that struggle... All are not created equal.)

I miss the down time. And, while I still don't think it's always a healthy thing, I'm embracing the glorification of busy. For now. While we reconnect to life in one place it's what is right for us. 

Having a permanent address means life is going to have a predictability to it. It allows for busy in a completely different way than travel did. It is just as beautiful. The trick is not getting caught in the hamster wheel. 

It's such a wonderful feeling to come home.  To create a space that is ours, from scratch, with our hard work. It's super rewarding. It's freaking hard.  But it's amazing. 

We had a blank canvas when we got here. We are painting our dreams and vision. We are creating the life we want. The days are full of struggle. They are full of moments of joy.  We are, I hope, finding the balance between the two. 

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