Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mohave Desert National Preserve

The longest drive EVER!  We had to stop for gas and groceries.  So, while we left the Grand Canyon at around 10:00, we didn't arrive at the Mohave National Preserve until after 5:00.   There as also a side trip to the Mohave Desert BLM Office for information.  Super nice guy on duty who hooked Coco up with some Junior Explorer books.  We then took the wrong exit off the interstate.... but eventually we made it.

And wow, is it springtime in the desert!  The whole area is teaming with life. We have yet to see a rattlesnake... not that I'm too keen on seeing one, but we did see cattle crossing, sheep, a desert tortoise, prairie dogs and a few jack rabbits.  We could hear the coyotes too, though they also remain unseen. 

We got up early the next day, knocked out a little math and language arts with Coco and then hiked the "Hole in the Wall" trail.  Such a beautiful hike and we saw more petroglyphs (these were the real deal).  Depending on which direction you approach the trail from you either have to climb two sets of rings to get into or out of the canyon.  We climbed up.  It was an interesting process hauling Ms Willow up... but she made it too.  We should have named her Billy, as in billy goat because she loved jumping up and down the rocks. 

Coco picked up another Junior Ranger workbook the day we left (the visitor center was closed the two days we were there).  She is going to work though it and mail this one in. 


The Mohave is home to the Joshua Tree, and while there is a Joshua Tree National Forest, this site is home to the oldest and biggest of the majestic yucca.  They grow only a foot every tens years (according to the park ranger).  So, the big grandaddy 40 footers are around 400 hundred years old!  

Unfortunately, because we are in a single unit motor home... the road that leads to that part of the Mohave was inaccessible this time.  We could have gone around (about a 100 miles out of the way), but decided it would be worth it to try again another time.  We were also itching to get going.  There was another place we wanted to see before we were to meet up with our friends. 

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