Saturday, January 12, 2013

There, I did it.

I was so excited to have my own project on Airabess.  So excited... and then I threw my back out, like slipped disc threw it out.
But damn it, I WAS going to do something on that boat if it killed me.  So, I put a heating pad on (still hot, still Summer), took something for the pain, and headed down there. 

I laid out my tarps and did another wipe down with acetone (the rest of the prep work was already done).  I got out the paint and mixed it up according to the instructions.  I set up my work station and got to work.  The port side went great.  It was early still so even though I was in the sun it wasn't THAT hot~ YET.  As I was working  I kept stirring the paint... per the instructions, but it started getting gloopy and sticky and it was hard to work with.  But.. I finished the outside of the hull and was making my way down the inside.... and bam face to face with a freaking black widow. AGAIN.  Seriously. 

I thought we had taken care of those stupid things.  Apparently not.  I must have missed it when I did my last wipe down, what with all of my enthusiasm to get started (you may insert eye roll here). 

I really didn't want to call Hubs.  I really wanted to do it myself.  So I took the drill to it and it felt so good. 

I tried finishing up the bottom, but found 2 more freaking spiders and the paint had turned to cement. And my meds wore off.  So, I broke down and called him. 
Ugh!  Why, oh why could it not have gone the way it was supposed to:
Hubs: Wow, love, you did a fantastic job.  It looks awesome!
Me:  Aw, thanks babe.  It was no big deal.  Piece of cake.  What's next?
Instead it was more like this...
Hubs: Uh, what happened?  What did you do to the paint.  You drilled the spider?!  While it was still on the keel?  What were you thinking?
Me: sniff, sniff... I hate this boat.  I am DONE!
Okay, so it wasn't that bad.  Especially now in hind sight.  And in my defense he did give me bunk paint to work with and I had a broken back.  Not to mention they were Black fricken widows. 
Either way its done and you can't see it.

That's what it looked like before.  This is actually a pic of raising the mast.  I'll tell that super fun story another time soon.

This is what it looked like after.  In this case, it was splash day (again another time)... but the bottom paint is what you should be ooohhing and aaahhhing over. 
Impressive, isn't it?

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